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Elise Eberle on being someone else

Interview 16.02.18

Photography Joy Newell Words Simone Konu

Elise Eberle is used to being someone else; the natural role of an actor is to inhabit a different character.  We catch up with the girl from Albuquerque, in her LA home, to discuss acting, her love for hand-me-downs, and being herself.

Vintage top, by earrings by Highlow

Ever since I can remember, living in another world, another fantasy, was my ideal hobby. It only made sense for me to become an actor! I’d say imagination sparked the flame

Shirt vintage Christian Dior, earrings by Fixed Air

All of the women on my mother’s side kept their favourite clothes from every decade so there are trunks and trunks full of clothing. From my Great Aunt Maude (yes, that was her name) in the early 1900’s and my grandmother’s heyday in 40’s and 50’s, to my aunties and mother’s time growing up in the 60s and 70’s. Sadly some of those beautiful clothes are now rags due to being a kid; playing dress up and not knowing how to properly take care of clothing but at least they were enjoyed at the time. Luckily not all the clothes were ruined. Many are still in my closet, waiting to be worn for the perfect event. It’s a tradition. I too keep all my favourite clothes from over the years. There’s something so special about wearing clothes that are not only authentic but were worn by the women in my close-knit family.

Earrings by Fixed Air

Velvet Blazer by Topshop, necklace by Hartfield Studio

I’ve just been fortunate to play REAL, incredible, dynamic, powerful women. Which all women are. I think it’s as simple as that. Jessica Chastain said it so perfectly – “Every time someone writes that I play ’strong women’ what they’re implying is that most women aren’t. How about I just play well written parts? You never read that an actor is known for playing ’strong male’ characters because it is assumed all men are.

Vintage top, by earrings by Highlow

When I’m not being someone else I’m being present as much as I can. It’s so easy to retrieve back to old habits so I always strive and remind myself to accept what comes and be open and ready for it all and knowing that I am doing the best I can at any given moment.

Velvet Suit Topshop, necklace by Hartfield Studio

Any year could be better than last year. But for 2018, I’m surprisingly optimistic and excited for what is to come.

Earring by Hartfield Studio

Photography Joy Newell Words Simone Konu
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